GCRN Structure
GCRN operates under its Constitution. The General Assembly, which comprises Full and Associate Members, is the supreme body. It meets biannually.
Full Members are on-air stations that meet the Constitutional requirements. Associate Members comprise on-air stations that do yet meet the requirements as well as initiatives.

GCRN Executive Council
The GCRN Executive Council oversees the affairs of GCRN and is responsible to the General Assembly. It comprises seven members who are elected for a two-year term, renewable, by the General Assembly at its Biannual General Meeting. Council members are elected from heads of Full Member Stations. They elect their own chairperson by consensus and announce their choice to the General Assembly.
The current GCRN Executive Council comprises heads of the following stations: Radio Gurune (Lydia Ajono, chairperson), Radio Ada (Erica Ofoe), Radio Breezy (KingRalph Osei-Agyeman), Radio Builsa (Richard Alandu), Radio FAWE (Richard Amoani), Radio RADFORD (Mohammed Balusalia) and Radio ROYALS (Owoahene Acheampong).
There are also currently three ex-officio members: the Administrator/Co-ordinator of GCRN who also serves as Executive Secretary of GCRN (Wilna Quarmyne), a GCRN representative elected onto the Board of AMARC Africa (Kwesi Ghartey-Tagoe) Board Member and a co-opted member (Kofi Larweh).
GCRN Secretariat
GCRN Secretariat
The Secretariat co-ordinates the activities of the association and manages its projects. Currently it comprises three Programme Support Officers (Amos Katsekpor, Dora Mochiah, and Isabel Kubabom).
It also works with consultants and associates who are drawn from within GCRN and outside. Responsible overall for the Secretariat is the GCRN Administrator/Co-ordinator (Wilna Quarmyne). The Secretariat is, through the GCRN Administrator/Co-ordinator, responsible the GCRN Executive Council and ultimately to the GCRN General Assembly.